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Diary of a Young Girl Part 1

Grade Level:

4th grade


Pedagogical Objective:

Students will learn to distinguish between 1st and 3rd person point of view in literature.


Artistic Output:

Students will create a point of view drawing based on the Anne Frank story

frank 2.jpg

Lesson Overview:

Students will look at portraits and self-portraits in relation to Anne Frank’s Diary to learn 1st and 3rd person point of view. They will discuss the story and what it was like for Anne and her family and create a portrait from that. They will better understand what it was like for people during the time of the Holocaust.


Length of Lesson:          Sources:

1 hour class period                      Open Court: “Diary of a Young Girl: The Anne Frank Story”



anne frank.jpg

Instructional Objectives:

  1. Yoga Warmup

  2. Discusssion and examples of 1st and 3rd person narration

  3. Examination of the Anne Frank story through 1st and 3rd person lens

  4. Students pick a scene and create a portrait drawn from the text reflecting 1st or 3rd person point of view

  5. Show drawings and discussion choices



Paper, drawing materials

Instructional Plan:

Warm Up
Warm-up–starting class with yoga—movement, breath and meditation—the students begin class more relaxed and focused. For the yoga, first ask them to sit down and close their eyes and feel their breath. Then do some movements and finish with a brief period of sitting again.
Introductory Activity
To distinguish between 1st and 3rd person, show examples of portraits and self-portraits. Compare also with biographies and auto-biographies. Talk about language used, ie: I, me, my versus them, his, her, etc.

Developmental Activity
Review the story of Anne Frank by asking the students questions about what they read. Ask them about the mood of the story and how Anne Frank felt. Have them look for clues in the story about for mood. Talk about how things look change depending on which point of view of presented. Brainstorm how different elements in the story might be seen from other points of view.

Guided Practice
Have students draw a portrait of Anne Frank showing how it must’ve felt for her and/or a scene from the section that they read with a different point of view.

Reflective Practice
Have students show their drawing and have the rest of class guess which point of view is being used. Discuss how the point of view is presented in the drawing.



  • Students will identify use of 1st and 3rd person narrative in specific uses

  • Students will choose selections from the text and demonstrate how different voices and perspective could transform the text.


  • Students will use specifics from the selections in their drawings.


  • Students will be able explain how the drawings use 1st or 3rd persons point of view.


MI Benchmarks and Standards:

Language Arts

R.NT.04.01: describe the shared human experience depicted in classic, multicultural, and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit

R.IT.04.01: identify and describe the structure, elements, features, and purpose of a variety of informational genre including autobiography/biography, personal essay, almanac, and newspaper.

R.CM.04.01: connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.

R.CM.04.03 :explain relationships among themes, ideas, and characters within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by categorizing and classifying, comparing and contrasting, or drawing parallels across time and culture.

L.CN.04.01: ask substantive questions of the speaker that will provide additional elaboration and details.

L.RP.04.03 respond to multiple text types listened to or viewed knowledgeably, by discussing, illustrating, and/or writing in order to clarify meaning, make connections, take a position, and/or show deep understanding.

Visual Arts

MI VA, Elementary, 1.1: Use materials, techniques, media technology, and processes to communicate ideas and experiences.

1. Use materials, techniques, media technology, and processes to communicate ideas and experiences.

3. Use visual characteristics and organizational principles of art to communicate ideas.

MI. VA. Elementary, 2,2. Apply knowledge of how visual characteristics and organizational principles communicate ideas.

MI. VA. Elementary,2, 4. Select and use subject matter, symbols and ideas to communicate meaning.

MI. VA. Elementary,3, 5. Understand how personal experiences can influence the development of artwork.



  • Have students tell the same story from a variety of viewpoints and voices: news item, another person in the story, years later, unconnected bystander, etc.

  • Look at artwork from various important historical periods, create “diaries” and “histories” based on the images, discussing how the images change with point of view.

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